Preguntas frecuentes sobre afiliados

Affiliate FAQ <Frequently Asked Questions>

So you want to be an Affiliate?
Here is everything you need to know about our Affiliate Program

Our affiliate program is free and enables members to earn revenue by placing a link or links on their web site which advertises ViviLux website or specific products on it.
If you have an online store, or if you have a following on the internet, we want you to know that you will be compensated for selling our products.
Before approving you for Affiliate status, we will check and verify that you qualify.  Once approved, you will be provided a special URL link to use.  Add this link to the end of the URL on either our store (for all products) or the URL for a specific product or product category.  When a customer clicks on your link to our store, we will register that the customer order originated from your site.

We pay a Commission on all sales originating from your link.  Commissions are paid monthly, typically by the 10th of the following month.
The standard commission rate is currently 10% and can reach up to 25% depending on monthly sales amount.


Contact us for more information